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Program Stats

Total Affiliates  21

Total Paid Out

$ 3,871.90

Ads in rotation  110

Paid-To-Clicks  483

Members online: 0
Guests online: 14


STP will be a payment
option again as soon as
Texas is able
to use it.
Thank you for
your patience!


Featured Sponsor


Your special banner at the top of every page of Surfin4Cash
See Here for details.

~*~*~Easy to Understand Terms Of Service for*~*~

Basically, this says that when you sign up to be a member at, it is a double opt-in process and if you don't agree with the terms, please don't sign up.

As of April 1, 2019, Surfing4Cash is a Tier 1 & 2 site open to all English reading citizens of Australia,Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.

NO applications from any Tier 3 or 4 country will be accepted.

~ YOU MUST BE ABLE TO READ ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH AND UNDERSTAND THESE TERMS. Failure to understand these Terms says to me that you cannot read English and therefore - you are in violation.
~ Only one account per household.
~ Please be able to understand English.
~ Please be active.
~ Don't cheat. will be blocking all Proxy IP's, College IP's, and all other "TYPES" of routers of that nature. If you are using one of these methods, your account will be deleted. will no longer accept email addresses that continually bounce emails, including, but not limited to,, and is a wonderful alternative if you need a free one.

Violations of TOS which will get your account suspended or cancelled include:
~ More than 1 account per IP or household.
~ Complete gibberish and/or incomplete information on your profile page.
~ Failure to fix profile area within 30 days of being requested to by admin.
~ Failure to comply with requests from admin (or try to resolve the issue).
~ Not meeting activity requirements.
~ Clicking MORE THAN 3 cheat links in any 30 day period.
~ Clicking MORE THAN 10 bad turing numbers in any 30 day period.
~ Any visit to a bot trap page.
~ Continual submission (more than 3) of a 'banned site' for advertising.
~ 3 failed English Tests within a 30 day period.
~ Marking "Search" in your profile when you are not from a "search friendly country".
~ Bad Keyword Selections.
Activity Requirements:
-- 1 click every calendar month to remain active. Remember, if you don't click, you don't earn! The choice is yours!
-- 100 clicks every calendar month to use and maintain your affiliate page privileges, AND to be eligible for payout. (Failure to maintain this will result in your page privileges being suspended for 30 days without warning and Affiliate earnings for that month cleared.)
-- 45 day inactive accounts will be deleted.

**Lifetime upgrade or affiliate page constitutes the "lifetime" of your active membership.

Payment Requirements:

We will pay members when their balance reaches the minimum payout rate set by Surfin4Cash. All payments will be made through Amazon Egift-card or GooglePay or SERVE or WalMart Egift-card or Wise, within 30 days after member request. Paid upgrade required to request payout.

-- The website must not contain pornographic, racist, discriminatory, vulgar, illegal, or adult materials (including 'scantily clad people') of any kind, or any ads deemed offensive by Admin.
-- The website must not be an HYIP, MLM or any apparent scam.
-- The website must not contain any frame breakers.
-- The website must be English.
-- The website must not contain or promote any viruses.
-- The website must not contain ANY prompts such as download dialogs or confirmation alerts.
-- The website must not exceed the 1 popup/popunder limit.
-- The website's single popup/popunder must not open any new windows.
-- The website's single popup/popunder must not break any of the above terms.
-- Any advertising purchased with offsite funds, then charged back, will be grounds for immediate loss of membership, ads, downline and account monies.


If you are caught cheating at one of our sites, you will be deleted from all of them.
There will be NO exceptions and emails asking why you have been deleted will NOT be answered.


Members are required to select the 'I Agree to Terms' Keyword Interest in their User Info.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Standard Terms in Legalese~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ is NOT A MLM OR GET RICH SCHEME!!!


Terms Of Service

By signing up and actively using the Surfin4Cash program you agree to all terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. Surfin4Cash may, at any time, choose to edit, add and/or delete portions of this agreement and impose changes without prior notification of its affiliates. Affiliates will be informed of any and all changes to this policy via an e-mail to their primary contact e-mail address provided upon signing up with Surfin4Cash. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this agreement. Your continued participation in the Surfin4Cash program following our posting of a change in policy notice or new agreement on our site will constitute binding acceptance to the change.

Responsibility of Affiliates:

You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this program. Our program is open to both US and International affiliates and is void where prohibited by local governing laws.

You agree to and must use your own name and e-mail address in the sign-up process and may not assume a false identity. You may not sign-up multiple times with different e-mail addresses. Your computer must not be shared with another individual that has an existing Surfin4Cash account.

You will use your e-mail address / password combination to access your account, it is your responsibility to keep this information confidential, you may change this information by logging into your account and following the "User Account Info." link.
You are solely responsible for any and all use of your Surfin4Cash account including authorization by you to any third party individual who may use your account.

Should any instances of fraud, system abuse, or any type of activity deemed to be inappropriate or illegal by Surfin4Cash be detected it may result in member termination and possible legal action. Any solicitation of advertisers for a confirmation e-mail for purposes of receiving credit in your account will be grounds for immediate termination.

You must maintain your e-mail account that you used when signing up Surfin4Cash. You agree to receive e-mail advertising from Surfin4Cash.
In the event your e-mail account on file becomes closed or blocked to messages from Surfin4Cash, your account will be terminated. This especially applies to e-mail accounts returned for being Full. Any member sending us gibberish will result in automatic termination of account and Forfeiture of All earnings to date of termination. Auto-responses will also be deleted immediately.

Relationship of the Parties:

You and Surfin4Cash are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement creates any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship between you and Surfin4Cash. You understand that you do not have authority to make or accept any offers or make any representations on behalf of Surfin4Cash. You may not make any statement, whether on your site or otherwise, that would contradict anything in this section. You are solely responsible for the reporting and payment of any taxes for money earned while using the program.

Limitation of Liability:

Surfin4Cash will not be liable for lost profits, lost business opportunities, or any other indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or related to this Agreement or Surfin4Cash program, even if Surfin4Cash has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore, Surfin4Cash aggregate liability arising under this Agreement will not exceed the amount of the total fees paid or payable to you under this Agreement. The provisions of this Section survive termination or expiration of the Agreement.


Surfin4Cash is not responsible for content, views and activities etc. of Programs/Websites advertised in the Program. This Program does not necessarily condone, specifically recommend or endorse any Program/Website advertised.

Surfin4Cash will not accept advertising for and not limited to, Illegal Activity, Gambling, High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP), or similar, Lotteries, Betting, Auto Surfs, Adult Material, Nudity, Profanity, Defamation (including defamatory content) or any Program/Website deemed to be inappropriate by Surfin4Cash.

Advertising or Redemptions containing zero-iFrames, viruses, Cheat Link references (i.e. 'Not A Cheat' or similar) or obvious false advertising will be rejected. We do not permit Paid Emails to contain any URLs, referral links, revisit links or email addresses in the body text of the mail - this is due to some email providers rejecting mail containing certain links. Redemptions and Upgraded Email Ads must NOT contain any HTML or Banner Coding in the body text. Continual submissions of this nature will result in loss of refund, upgrade or possibly termination of account.

Surfin4Cash will not accept advertising that contains links for banner rotators or shortened URLs. We have no way of knowing where the URL leads and what ads are being displayed at any given time. Examples include BannerKeyRing,, etc. We will NOT accept any ads with links that redirect away from the advertised website.

Surfin4Cash will not accept advertising for Hosting Companies deemed to be in conflict with the business interests of MadeRiteHosting & Scripts.

You may NOT sell any redemptions earned or given with upgrades! Anyone found to be submitting Redemptions or Upgraded Ads for others (whether sold or otherwise) will have their account terminated immediately (unless explicity permitted by the Administrators)!


Affiliates may earn by receiving paid-emails and visiting the advertiser websites after they have entered their member ID in the area on the website provided by Surfin4Cash. Affiliates may earn by referring new affiliates to the Surfin4Cash program. Affiliates will earn a percentage of advertising revenues collected by Surfin4Cash.

Surfin4Cash will pay affiliates when their balance reaches the minimum payout rate set by Surfin4Cash.Once the member has reached payout they may request payment. All payments will be made through Amazon Egift-card or GooglePay or SERVE or WalMart Egift-card or Wise, within 30 days after member request.Tier 3 and Tier 4 country members may redeem for advertising only.


You may not promote your referral links through unsolicited emailing (i.e. SPAMMING), newsgroup postings, or any other method of mass communication. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination of your affiliateship with Surfin4Cash and may result in legal prosecution. Surfin4Cash strictly enforces anti-Spamming laws. Spamming is a federal crime. Any member caught Spamming will not only have their account terminated immediately and lose any past, present and future earnings, but shall also be held liable for Spamming as we shall cooperate with any authorities and investigations that may arise from the Spamming incident. Surfin4Cash may charge up to $5 per spam e-mail sent. Multiple sign-ups shall be grounds for immediate termination of all involved accounts. Signing up multiple times from the same computer also constitutes fraud. Surfin4Cash will file charges for recovery of any earnings received from multiple sign-ups.

Activity Requirement:

Accounts will be scanned for activity, simply logging in without any clicked links will not constitute activity. Accounts found to be inactive requesting payment will be terminated. Accounts will be deleted 30 days after zero click activity.

Vacation mode:

When you put your account on vacation you also need to take it off when you come back. Accounts that are on vacation or inactive do not get payouts requested or randoms. If you plan on being away over 30 days then you need to Contact Us and let me know so that your account will be flagged and it does not get deleted.


Members who are caught cheating will have their account terminated and will not be paid their earnings.
Instances of cheating include the following:
1) Clicking on more than 3 cheat links.
2) Caught using automated software to access the site.
3) Having multiple accounts. Examples: same IP address, same Payment Account or same computer ID.
4) Clicking on too many incorrect turing numbers.
5) Being inactive for 30 days or more.

Changes to these terms will be infrequent, but will always be announced by Admin Messages. By signing up as a member, or remaining as a member, you are agreeing to these terms.

Family of Sites















PTC Station








Owned and Operated by Renee Vorbach, TexasPepper Enterprises, McAllen, Texas

Powered by Registered CashCrusader Affiliate Tracking Software.
Domain Online Since 29 September 2007